Assalamu Alaikum I am worried about my marriage. I know that Allah Taala has a mate for everyone but in one of your answers you have adviced that the person’s parents should also search for the mate. My problem is that my parents don’t know many people who have sons or who know of other people who of sons who are a marriagable age. Also the proposals I get which are mostly told by my relatives are not appropriate. I am already 21 and still have not received any proposal which will be appropriate for me to get married. I have started to recite Darood 500 times Alhumdulillah. Since my parents dont know many people who can tell them about proposals for me they are not yet searching for my marriage partner. Sometimes I fear that maybe my parents dont know how to search for a husband for me. Would only dua help me in my situation? or do I have to do something also because I know that without doing anything we cannot just get what we want. But I dont know how to search for a marriage partner, and I get worried everyday because I think that my parents also cant search. What should I do. Jazakallah
This world is Daarul Asbaab (world of means). In order to achieve anything,
one has to adopt means that are permissible in Shari’ah.
It is our belief that the effect in means is with the order of Allah Ta’ala.
At times, people adopt efficient means but are unsuccessful. We, thereforem
advise you to adopt means to get married and turn your gaze to Allah Ta’ala
and make Du’aa to Him to make the adopted means effective.
Apart from your parent’s effort in searching for a partner for you, you too
should inform your friends and relatives to assist you in finding a marriage
partner. All they will have to do is inform people of you being of
marriagable age and interested in marrying. We make Du’aa to Allah Ta’ala
that He grant you a suitable marriage partner and grant you peace and
happiness, Aameen.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai