Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Arij Canada » Is it permissible to read the Qadha of missed salaah after Salaatul Asr or Salaatul Fajr has been read? Is it only permissible to a certain time?

Is it permissible to read the Qadha of missed salaah after Salaatul Asr or Salaatul Fajr has been read? Is it only permissible to a certain time?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Arij Canada
Is it permissible to read the Qadha of missed salaah after Salaatul Asr or Salaatul Fajr has been read? Is it only permissible to a certain time? E.g. half way between the time of Asr and Maghrib)

Assalâmu’alaikum Warahmatullâhi Wabarakâtuh

Dear brother,

It is permissible to perform Qadha Salaah after the Salaah of Fajr has been performed, and similarly after Asr Salaah has been performed with the condition in Asr Salaah that Qadha Salaah is performed before the Makruh time sets in, approximately 15-20 minutes before Maghrib Salaah. If Qadha Salaah is read in this Makruh time, it will be invalid. (Umdatul Fiqh vol 1 pg. 344, Ascent to felicity 71-72)


Muhammad Z Panchbhaya

8th April 2013
27th Jumadal Awwal 1434

This Q&A was collected from the official web portal of Academy of Research in Islamic Jurisprudence (Arij) from Canada, which was headed by Mufti Ibrahim Kureshi and Mufti Zakariyya Panchbhaya. As the original website is no longer accessible, we have provided a source link of each answer to the archive copy from Way Back Machine.

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