Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria (Page 8)

Answers indexed from: Jamia Binoria

Can Janaza Salat be offered twice?

Can I perform Maghrib Salah while driving without proper seclusion?

If I can’t retrieve my stolen wealth, is it permissible to give it away as charity?

Can an adopted son inherit from an American relative and can siblings challenge the will?

Is it haram to deposit advance for dairy farm agreement in milk business?

Is it allowed in Shari’ah for a family in Canada to receive life insurance benefits after the policy holder has passed away, as the family has no other source of income?

Is paying for mandatory health insurance in South Korea considered lawful or unlawful and what are its limitations?

Is there a ruling on eating food that a marriageable person has touched, according to Quran and Sunnah?

When should one follow Fatwa over piety in a wedding ceremony?

Did any Qur’an commentators mention that it was a lion, not a dog, with the People of the Cave in Surah Al-Kahf?

What is the Sunnah way of entering or exiting one’s home on a motorcycle?

Is holding a program on the first day of Muharram in commemoration of Hazrat Umar (R.A) allowed according to Islamic law?

Is changing a child’s name to improve their health allowed in Islam?

Is it permissible to give Sadqa during Fitr and break Roza for a Sharai Uzar?

Is it Halal to work as an accountant in a factory that evades taxes?