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Answers with Tag: Ummah

What Dua can i recite for my daughter

How many prophets were there?

Jumu’ah In Afghanistan and Pakistan

Can i advise my cousin on Facebook to stay away from sins?

The masjid offers 3 Jumuah Salaats

The reward of losing one’s child

Why is the Friday khutba in Arabic?

What is the view of Imam Abu Hanifa on a woman reciting Quran while on her menses. Can you tell what the other Madhabs say regarding this?

If Ibn Hajar Asqalani (among others) approved off the mawlid celebration, how can anyone in later times say it is impermissible? Was Ibn Hajar simply wrong?

Is performing voice-overs a permissible profession?

Is Javed Ahmad Ghamidi an authentic scholar and should I listen to his lectures?

What is proof of الصحابة كلهم عدول

Is Ibrahim (alayhi salam) the second greatest human being and Prophet after Mohammed (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)?

Why does Tabligh Jamat give preference to reformation of Muslims over Dawah to non-Muslims?

Do I have to pay the full amount even though I never attended the lessons?