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Answers with Tag: Ummah

The slaughter of a person who leaves out Salaah

Prophet Muhammad’s Knowledge of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman’s Martyrdom

Is Taunting Ulama Right or Wrong?

Tafseer of Surah Yunus aayat 94

Performing nafil Salaah in jamaat

Sunnats and Aadaab of Qurbaani

Living with a Non-Practicing Muslim Spouse: What Does Islam Say?

Aqeedatut tahawiyyah

Does music remove barakah?

Maryam (RA) ~ The greatest woman of all?

Problems with my father

My Brother is becoming a modernist

What happens on the Day of Judgment if a Muslim wrongs a non-Muslim and how does one seek forgiveness for backbiting others?

I want to know what is the justification for the shaykh and murid relation in Islam?

Shias and Hadhrat Muawiyah Radhiyallahu Anhu