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Answers with Tag: turban

Turban style headscarves for women

Is it permissible for women to wear turban style headscarves?

The Sunnah Way of Wearing an Amaamah: Virtues and Techniques

Tolerating Toddler Antics: Lessons from the Prophet’s Patience in the Masjid

What is the ruling regarding making salaam to people engaged in a conversation?

Death on a Monday

Is she Halaal for me in marriage? Is there a way to completely eradicate the thoughts of her past misdeed from my head?

The Kufi in Salaah

Is it true that we don’t get reward for wearing what the prophet would wear?

What is the Sunnah clothing?

Questions regarding the prohibition of Lowering one’s garment below the ankles

I thought many times to divorce her but i think it will spoil her life?

Reference for the Hadith on Abu Bakr (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu) giving instructions to Usamah bin Zaid (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu) upon dispatching his army

Tawbah after throwing one’s turban on the ground in anger

Formal dress code for nikaah