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Answers with Tag: turban

Giving gifts to one’s wife

Wearing an Amaamah (Turban)

What does it mean to dream of Imam Ghazali wearing dark orange clothing and giving a khutba?

Should I do masah on my turban or forehead?

Can we pray behind an imam from different Islamic streams like Barailavi, dawati, Jamat-e-Islami?

My Friend’s Husband Walks Around in Pyjamas. What Can She Do?

Am I Permitted to Supplicate for a Wife Who Wears Niqab?

Does the Sunna Entail Dressing as the People of the Land I Live In?

Can You Put a Turban on the Deceased?

Must I Repeat Prayers Behind an Imam With a Short Beard or Bare Head?

Does a Woman Passing in Front of a Praying Person Invalidate His Prayer?

Can I Wipe My Headscarf Instead of My Head in Wudu?

Are Loud Dhikr and Supplications in a Mosque Permissible?

Things that weaken the memory

Wearing a turban without a tail