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Answers with Tag: turban

What is sunnah way of wearing turban?

Is wiping the head and neck during wudu necessary, and can it be skipped if wearing a hijab?

Did the Prophet wear a green or white turban?

What are the benefits of wearing a turban?

Is it necessary to cover one’s head whilst eating food? We have a local scholar who we visit at his house, and many times we see him at his house that he keeps his head uncovered. He even sits down to eat with us without wearing a Hat. Is this OK to do?

Becoming a Police Officer in the West

1. Sometimes turban can cover forehead, and making sujood would entail doing so over the cloth of the turban. ..2. Can we pray wajib salah sitting without excuse (such as Witr, or Salah that became wajib due to an oath)?

With Reference to Fatwa #18199 , 1) Is the brother correct in leading the prayer if he fulfills the first two conditions mentioned above? (with his head uncovered and sometimes with pants below his ankles)…2)How should I as a musallee, address this situation, as things were heating up?

Please Clarify if the prophet (saw) wore a green turban or not!

Some people say that, it is not permissible for a Msalli to pray with a Turban when the Imam is not wearing a Turban.They say if this is done then the Prayer of the congrgation becomes Makrooh..

What should be the length and width of the turban(amamah)?