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Answers with Tag: tirmidhi

Do not talk excessively without remembering Allah, for this causes the heart to harden

A benefit of saying salam when entering the home

Those who will not enter Jannah early

Learn your lineage so that you may join family ties

Warning of sitting in gatherings which are void of the remembrance of Allah or salutations (durud)

Do not be consumed with acquiring orchards

Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) exclusive time with Allah

The horrifying sight of the grave

Meaning of Imam Tirmidhi’s statement in Kitabul ‘Ilal

Allah Ta’ala detests grandiloquence

Dawud’s (‘alayhis salam) piety

Fear of people should not prevent you from speaking the truth

How authentic is the Hadith that promises the du’a of 70 000 Angels?

The virtue of going out in search of knowledge

The punishment for not being just between one’s wives