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Answers with Tag: sexual intercourse

When should the supplication be said before sexual intercourse in a marriage?

Is Listening to Someone Singing Without Musical Instruments Haram?

Can I Say No to Sexual Intimacy with My Husband If I Fear Potential Infection?

Using Tampons

What say mufti saab if someone had sexual intercourse with his wife while fasting?

Can we make Wuzu & tayummum after sexual intercourse

Is it necessary to conceal the Satr always?

Sexual intercourse with wife while they are Fasting

When is Mehr required to be given?

Is ghusl farz after the coming out of semen?

What is the ruling of Islam on listening to music?

What are the attributes of wife’s accommodation?

Ruling on Having Sexual Intercourse after Offering Umrah for Tamattu` Hajj

Ruling on Fluid that Comes out of a Woman

Interpretation of the Verse “(The Captives) whom their Right Hand Possess”