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Answers with Tag: Pregnancy

WHat should be done if one thinks she is pregnant during Ramadhan?

Should there be a gap/period between pregnancies?

Can In Vitro Pregnancy be permissible in this case?

Can i use a permanent form of birth control?

Is Shari’ah allow the students to draw such diagrams?

I always feel weak and hungry during fasting and two of my pregnancy

Will follicular study break the fast if taken as part of the treatment during Ramadan month?

Which dua or ayat should husband and wife or both recite during pregnancy?

Should Muslims have to offer salah after a miscarriage?

Is it halal to have sex with a pregnant wife if she is comfortable?

Can you send me a list of safe pregnancy duas or wazifah?

Abortion pills for 45 days – 2 1/2 month pregnancies?

What to recite during pregnancy?

Talaq in Pregnancy

Abortion of a baby with Down-Syndrome.