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Answers with Tag: Modesty

It is Unlawful for a Woman to Disobey her Husband by Mixing with Non-Mahram Men

Ruling on a Woman Uncovering Part of her Feet when Going out

What should a Woman Cover before her Mahrams?

Is it permissible for the woman to use her mobile phone while on the street?

Is it permissible for the man to go out wearing shorts?

Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to wear trousers at home?

Is It OK for Women To Dress in Thin Dresses at Home?

Can I Take My Children to Swim Lessons Where No One Is Covered?

Can a Woman Be in a Mixed Social Gathering With Work Colleagues?

Angels separate from a naked person and sends laanat on them if they talk?

In My Dream Someone Told Me That Hadhrat Aisha (ra) Was Calling Me

Small Girls in revealing Clothing

Reverting to my niqab and steadfastness

Full Hijab and Dealing with Feeling of Pride

The Religious Status of Watching Porn