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Answers with Tag: Modesty

Can You Tell Me About the Angels Raqeeb and ‘Ateed (Kiramun Katibeen)?

How Do I Approach My Wife About Her Enjoying Attention From Other Men?

Who Does the Verse about Speaking from behind a Curtain Refer To?

Should I Disclose My Previous Heart Attack to a Potential Bride?

Shariah etiquettes while making love with a wife

I’m sorry, but I did not understand your explanation of Tasawwuf in Q596. Can you kindly explain this topic in detail using simpler words, and possibly quoting some examples?

Dream Interpretation

Can a man have intimate relationship with both wives together and in the presence of each other?

Can you qoute some Ahadith in virtue of sitting in a Deeni gathering?

Is it permissible for a woman to lead women in prayer ?

Ruling on Wearing a Wig instead of an Islamic Head Cover

What is the ruling of Sharia on wearing Niqab?

Ruling on Surfing Pornography Sites

Ruling of Sharia on Massage Parlors

Is it Permissible for the Male Doctor to Specialize in Gynecology and Obstetrics?