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Answers with Tag: fardh

Qadha Salaah between Fajr Sunnah and Fardh

How to make intention for Qadha Salaah

40 Rabbanna in Tashahud

Status of Salaah if Imam missed a fardh act

Leading Salaah whilst seated

Reciting Durood after Tashahud in the second Rak’aat

Forgetting to gargle the mouth in ghusl

Reciting Surah in the third Rak’aat of the Fardh Salaah

Time elapses whilst performing Salaah

Can a dua be recited between the two Sajdah in a fardh prayer?

Miscellaneous Rulings of Takbirat al-Tashriq

Will Ghusl be valid if one has to wear glued on braces?

If I can’t do Sajdah due to extreme pain, what do I do?

Will I be a musafir by travelling to Dehli from Kashmir for less than 15 days? Especially when I have a house and business in Dehli also?

Does a woman have to pay for her Mahrams Hajj expenses?