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Answers with Tag: fardh

Does a woman have to make Qadha for a Salaah in which time she had her menses (Haidh)?

Delaying an obligatory (Fardh) Ghusal after Sehri

COVID 19 Restrictions – Multiple Congregations of Salaah in one Masjid

Congregational Dua after Fardh Salaah

Can woman in menses (Haidh) leave the boundaries (Miqaat) of the Haram before performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah?

Can Qurbani be done for new born children, family members and for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam? 

What does a Musaafir do if he doesn’t know whether the Imaam is a Musaafir or a Muqeem?

What are the Prohibited Times of Salaah? Can Sajdah Tilaawat be performed after Fajr and Asr Salaah? 

The short method of making up (Qadha) Salaah

What should a menstruating woman do from the meeqaat until the end of Hajj?

Someone tells me that there is no gunah if we avoid sunnat salah like 4 rakat of salah before Zuhr … reference from hadith so that I can show him.

Permissibility to sit and perform Sunnah and Nafl Salaahs

Performing the Tawaaf of Umrah and the two Rakaats of Tawaaf after the Fajr and Asr Salaah

Performing Tawaaf and the two Rakaats of Tawaaf after Fajr and Asr?

Performing Hajj for ones deceased’s parents who already performed Hajj