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Answers with Tag: Dua

I feel my Heart is Sealed and I am not Inspired to do acts of Worship

Can I make dua in another language other than Arabic in salah?

Zakat on money saved to buy flat

We don’t know why you we got divorced, wazeefah to bring back lost lover

Praying Nafl Salah before sunnats. How did our prophet (SAW) spend his day?

Is it wrong to pray for someone you love?

I don’t want to get married anymore

Husband mistreating the wife

Reading fiction novels on phone in the toilet

Permissibility of a type of dua

How can I become close to Allah?

Sunnahs of Wedding night.

Should I recompense my employer for the time I used to leave early from work?

Misc. Questions about in-laws.

Touching haram items