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Sitting Cross-legged

Can one do tayammum in place of ghusl during the cold weather due to having high blood pressure?

Explanation of the Ayat 16 of Surah 26.

Inheritance Question

3 Talaq in anger

Is this Hadith correct?

Non-conditional talaq issued before marriage

Talaq under IED (intermittent explosive disorder)

Consuming products which contain 0.1% alcohol. What is the ruling of Shellac/Confectioners glaze?

Will the Marriage become terminated, if husband does zina with mother in law?

Is working as a software applications developer for BNY Mellon permissible?

Consuming products which contain 0.1% alcohol. What is the ruling of Shellac/Confectioners glaze?

Should one pour water or use a wet cloth to remove najasah off the floor?

Saying “bloody hell”

Should one give Kaffarah (penance) of a broken oath immediately?