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Answers with Tag: Affection

Please give clear instructions for a Muslim woman who wants to get married. What happens and what should be done; before getting married, when getting married, and after getting married.

Madressa Religious Teachers approach to Chilren not correct Put fear into them They hate going to madressa Impatient and temperamental

Does my husband have a right to neglect me and my child over his family? My husband is always worried about his family and siblings.

I am facing dielma regarding my marriage, i am married but the woman i love needs me? suggest me if it is fine for me to divorce my wife and get married to somebody else …

Are guard dogs permissible in the Sharia?

Salams please answer my 3 questions

I am always having suspicions about my husband cheating…please help.

More info required on the dog issue please Imam.

Can We keep Dogs? For breeding or as pets?

I would like to know what are the limitations between a brother and a sister. In other words, what degree of frankness should they share?

Is it ok for a girl to consider more than one nikah proposal at the same time?

Moon Sighting Announcements in Saudi Arabia Valid?

As salamu alaikum, Imam Sahib, please tell me how can we invite people to Islam?

Is it Ok to marry a clean muslim girl who wears skirts, sleevless shirts, and believes in swimming in public as well as playing sports (plz see detailed description)?

Who should I please first?If a wife does not respect her mother-inlaw & be-littles,swears her in front of her husband,What should the husband do?