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Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

Status of the narrator; Suhayb Abus Sahba

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands

How to prepare for the waves of calamities

The reliability of the Hadith narrator Hisham ibn Hassan

Authenticity of the virtue of offering two rak’ahs after Maghrib before speaking to anyone

How often should I recite the Qur’an (Hanbali Fiqh)

How can I be a better Muslim? (Hanbali Fiqh)

I would like to know if the prophet [S.A.W] meant exactly three lines


Placing hands under the navel in Salaah.

Intermingling and Free Mixing between Muslim Men and Women

The Concept of Hazir and Nazir for the Prophet (S.A.)

Voting is Permissible

Is it Written in the Quran that Matam is Haram or Halal?

Praying Salah With Shoes On