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Looking at the dead before burial

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Translated by Wajihah Gregor

Is it permissible to uncover the face of the deceased in the graveyard before burial to look at him one last time before lowering him into the grave?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yes, it is permissible to do that because there is no evidence that forbids it. Rather, the scholars have said that it is permissible to kiss the deceased without differentiating whether it happens before or after shrouding him.

Imam Nawawi says in “al-Majmu`”: “Related Point: It is permissible for the family of the dead and his friends to kiss his face, as established by hadiths. Darimi explicitly stated this in “al-Isitidhkar” as did Sarakhsi in “al-Amali”.

الجواب : نعم يجوز ذلك إذ ليس هناك ما يمنعه، بل قد صرَّح العلماء بجواز تقبيل الميت دون تفريق منهم بين ما قبل تكفينه أو بعده قال في “المجموع” :” ( فرعٌ ) يجوزُ لأهل الميت وأصدقائه تقبيلُ وجهه، ثبتت فيه الأحاديث، وصرَّح به الدارمي في “الاستذكار” والسرخسي في “الأمالي” “. اهـ

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