Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Is it permissible to take pain killers in Ramadan due to the extraction of wisdom teeth? Also, will applying gum-numbing gel without swallowing it, break the fast?
Yes it is permissible to omit fasting in the days of Ramadan for one who has extreme pain due to his wisdom teeth, so he may take medicine to treat it and reduce the pain. Every illness that permits tayammum, also permits omitting the fast because of it. The things that permit tayammum are:
- Fear of becoming sick
- Fear of increasing in one’s sickness
- Or fear of delaying recovery.
Extreme pain in the teeth is included in one of these three, and Allah knows best. However, it is a condition of omitting the fast that one do so because an upright doctor has informed him of it [s. that the pain killer will reduce the pain], as the imams have said.
As for a fasting person who wants to take a gum-numbing gel; the general rule is that if a substance reaches one’s body cavity, one’s fast has been invalidated. So, if the substance reaches his body cavity, his fast is invalid if he did it knowingly and intentionally.
الجواب : نعم يجوز الفطر في نهار رمضان لمن وجد ألماً شديداً من ضرسه فيفطر لأخذ دواء يداويه ويخفف آلامه ، فكلُّ مرض يبيح التيمم يجوز الفطر لأجله ، ومما يبيح التيمم الخوفُ من حصولِ مرض أو زيادتِه أو الخوفُ من تأخر الشفاء ، ولا تخلو آلام الأسنان الشديدة من واحد من هذه الثلاثة ، والله أعلم ، نعم يشترط أن يكون الإفطار لأجل ذلك بإخبار طبيب عدل كما صرحوا به .
أما بالنسبة لتناول الصائم للمخدر الهلامي فالجواب : أن وصول العين ( أي : الجرم ) إلى الجوف يبطل الصوم ، فإن كان عين المخدر يصلُ الجوف أفطر بذلك الصائم إن كان عن علم وتعمد .