Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Translated by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad
Is it offensive to shave one’s head completely without need when one is not performing hajj or `umrah?
It is not offensive to shave one’s head completely if one is not performing hajj or `umrah, even if without need.
Actually, shaving the head can even be recommended under certain circumstances, as is mentioned in the Tuhfa (2/476) where it says, “And shaving the head is permissible, unless it causes harm for one to keep the hair, or if it is difficult for him to care for it, for then [shaving it] it is recommended.”
الجواب : لا يكره حلق شعر الرأس لغير الحاج والمعتمر ولو لغير حاجة، بل قد يكون حلقُه مندوباً في أحوال كما نصَّ عليه في “التحفة” (2/476) فقال :” وحلقُ الرأس مباحٌ، إلا إن تأذى ببقاء شعره أو شقَّ عليه تعهدُهُ فيندبُ “. اهـ