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I heard that it is permissible to eat fox in the Shafi`i school. Is this correct even though it

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

I heard that it is permissible to eat fox in the Shafi`i school. Is this correct even though it has fangs, what is the proof for this?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yes, it is permissible in our school to eat fox, as Imam al-Shafi’i wrote, may Allah be well pleased with him and have mercy on him, in the Umm, in many places. This is the reliable position of our school as it says in the Minhaj, and others, in the chapter of foods. It says in the Majmu`, “In our school, fox is a game [s. hunted] animal, it is eaten and it is haram for one in ihram to kill it. If he does kill one, he must pay the penalty, and Tawus, al-Hasan, Qatada and Malik say the same, and it is one of the narrations from `Ata’.”

The proof for its permissibility is, as they said, that it is a well-disposed animal, and its fangs are weak, they aren’t strong and it doesn’t use them to attack people. So, analogy was used based on the hyena, whose permissibility is established, as Ibn Hajar said in the Tuhfa.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad]

السؤال: سمعتُ أنه يجوز أكل الثعلب عند الشافعية فهل هذا صحيح ، مع أن له ناباً ، فما دليل الشافعية ؟ الجواب : نعم يجوز في مذهبنا أكلُ الثعلب كما نصَّ عليه الإمام الشافعي رضي الله عنه ورحمه في “الأم” في عدة مواضع ، وهو المعتمد كما في “المنهاج” وغيره في كتاب الأطعمة؛ قال في “المجموع” :” مذهبُنا أن الثعلب صيدٌ يؤكل ويحرم على المحرم قتله ؛ فإن قتله لزمه الجزاء , وبه قال طاوس والحسن وقتادة ومالك , وهو إحدى الروايتين عن عطاء”. اهـ ودليلُ حلِّه كما قالوا : إنه حيوانٌ طيبٌ ، ونابُه ضعيفٌ لا يتقوى به ولا يعدو به على الناس فقيس على الضبع الثابت حلُّه بالحديث الصحيح . وما ورد في تحريم الثعلب من الأخبار فهو ضعيفٌ كما قاله العلامة ابن حجر في “التحفة” .


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