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My non-Muslim grandmother left me some wealth

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

My non-Muslim grandmother died and she left me less than one-third of her wealth. Should I return it to her non-Muslim relatives? Is it permissible for me to give it to poor Muslims, or can I use it for my family for study since we really need it?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

If your grandmother left it to you as a gift before her death, then it is lawful property for you and you can do as you wish with it. Also, if she left it to you as a bequest for you to take after her death, it is also lawful property for you.

If she did not do so, then a Muslim does not inherit from a non-Muslim, nor a non-Muslim from a Muslim [f: because of the explicit hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) that establish this]. In such a case, the wealth is the right of her non-Muslim relatives. You may not use it for yourself, nor for poor Muslims, except with the permission of those who deservedly inherited the wealth.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad]

السؤال : تُوفيت جدتي الكافرةُ وتركت لي أقلَّ من ثلث ورثتها ، هل أردّه على أقاربها الكافرين ؟ أم هل يجوز عطاؤه إلى مساكين مسلمين , أو استخدامه لعائلتي للدراسة إن كنا بحاجة إليه ؟ الجواب : إن كان ما تركته لك جدتُك على سبيل الهبة قبل موتها فهو ملكٌ حلالٌ لك تتصرفُ فيه كيف شئت ، وكذلك لو كانت قد أوصتْ لك به لتأخذه بعد موتها فهو ملكٌ حلالٌ لك . وإن لم يكن الأمرُ كذلك فإن المسلمَ لا يرث الكافرَ ، ولا الكافرُ يرث المسلمَ ، فالمال حينئذٍ حقٌّ لأقاربها الكفار لا يجوز لك التصرفُ فيه لنفسك ولا لفقراء المسلمين إلا بإذن ورثتها الذين استحقوا هذا المال .

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