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Which moon should I follow for fasting?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

The new moon of Ramadan has been sighted in my country and I have made intentions to fast. Then, during the day, I traveled to another country where the moon had not been sighted. Can I break my fast, like the people in this country? Or do I have to complete my fast?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Our later scholars have differed in this matter. Allamah Al-Shihab Ibn Hajar, in his Tuhfa (383:3), opined that this traveler does not go with the people of the country he has traveled to and does not break his fast like them, but completes his fast. And al-Khateeb al-Shirbini and al-Shams al-Ramli have asserted that this traveler goes with the people of the country he has traveled to and, like them, breaks his fast, as has been transmitted from them by Abdul-Hamid in the super-commentaries on the Tuhfa.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Zaynab Ansari]

السؤال: ثبت هلالُ رمضان في بلدي وقد نويتُ الصوم ثم أثناء النهار سافرتُ إلى بلد لم يثبت فيها الهلال فلم يصوموا ، فهل لي الإفطار مثلهم أم يجب عليَّ إتمام صومي ؟ الجواب : اختلف أئمتنا المتأخرون في المسألة ؛ فالذي استوجههُ العلامة الشهابُ ابن حجر في “التحفة” (3/383) : أن هذا المسافر لا يوافق أهل البلد المنتقل إليه فلا يفطر مثلهم بل يتم صومه . واعتمد الخطيبُ الشربيني والشمس الرملي أن هذا المسافر يوافق أهلَ البلد الذي سافر إليها فيفطر مثلهم ، كما نقله عنهما عبد الحميد في حواشي “التحفة” .


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