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If a man refuses to spend on his wife, saying that she works and spends on herself, is it permi

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

If a man refuses to spend on his wife, saying that she works and spends on herself, is it permissible for him to do that?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

If a man has permitted his wife to go out and work, it is haram for him to stop spending on her, even if she is able to spend on herself. It is obligatory for a man to spend on his wife, even if she be rich, though he does have the right to prevent her from going out to work. [As mentioned in the commentaries on Imam Nawawi’s Minhaj]

But if a woman goes out to work without his permission, it is haram and she is considered rebellious (nashiza). Therefore, the obligation of spending on her is dropped from him for every day that she goes out without his permission.

– Amjad

(Translated by Shazia Ahmad)

السؤال : رجل يرفض النفقة على زوجته بحجة أنها تعمل وتنفق على نفسها ، فهل يجوز له ذلك ؟ الجواب : إذا كان الزوج قد أذن لها في الخروج للعمل فيحرم عليه أن يمتنع عن نفقتها ولو كانت قادرة على النفقة على نفسها ، فنفقة الزوجة واجبة على الزوج ولو كانت غنية ، لكن له الحق أن يمنعها من الخروج للعمل . أما لو خرجت المرأة للعمل بغير إذن زوجها فذلك حرام وتكون به ناشزة تسقط نفقتها عن كل يوم تخرج فيه بلا إذنٍ .


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