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Swallowing food that was between one’s teeth

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Has a person’ fast broken if some food goes down his throat from what was between his teeth?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

If some food has passed through one’s teeth and he wasn’t able to distinguish it and get it out before it went down his throat, his fast has not been broken, for he is excused.

However, if he was able to distinguish it and get it out, and he didn’t, then his fast is broken. For this reason, a fasting person should clean between his teeth at night, as is stated in the Tuhfa and its super-commentaries.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad]

السؤال: هل يفطر الصائمُ بما ينـزل جوفه من بقايا الطعام بين أسنانه ؟ الجواب : إن جرى الطعامُ من بين أسنانه ولم يمكنه تمييزُه وإخراجه حال جريانه فلا يفطر ؛ لأنه معذور . أما إن أمكنه تمييزه وإخراجه فقصَّر بطل صومه ، ولذا يتأكدُ للصائم تخليل أسنانه ليلاً كما تجد التصريح بذلك كله في “التحفة” وحواشيها .


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