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Are employees responsible for theft that takes place at their work place? 

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by TheMufti.com

Q. I am working as an HR at a company. The policy of the company is that if any theft takes place at the company, the employees are responsible for it and the cost of the losses would be deducted from their salaries. I was wondering if this is correct according to Shariah?

A. In general, if an employee is employed for specific duties and responsibilities, an employee will be responsible for it. If theft takes places and it was not the fault or responsibility of the employee, the employee will not be responsible for it.

Hence, it is unethical and unjust to include policies and clauses in an employee’s contract that make employees responsible for theft that takes place at the company that is not their fault and responsibility. In such cases, the responsibility of theft will be borne by the company or those responsible for it.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

This answer was collected from TheMufti.com, which is a fatwa portal managed by Mufti Ismaeel Bassa from South Africa.

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