Can you please comment on tabligh jamat, a lot of people in our area go against the effort?
Can you please say about the usul of the effort with Qur’an and Sunnah
There are two words in the Qur’an and Hadith from where Tabligh Jamat comes:
- “Da’wat” – you will find this word in many ayaat. Surah Nooh is full ofthis da’wat.
- “Balligh” – this is also in the Qur’an:
Translation: “O Messenger! Deliver (preach, take forward) that which has been sent down to you.”
One hadith says:
Translation: “Those present should deliver to those who are not here.”
So tabligh is a good work – those who say things against it do so either due to not understanding the importance and the benefits of the work or due to some grudge against those who are busy in this work or due to not agreeing with the method of their tabligh – therefore go if you can. If you can’t go in tabligh, don’t criticise it.