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Do we need to work while doing Dawah work?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

I have one more question regarding you answer to question 1130. You said we have to try hard for our money and degree etc. but in Tabligh it is taught that everything is happened by Allah. And who does the work of dawat, he doesn’t need to worry about money and other. Allah will give him easily. But your answer says opposite. you said we have to try hard and then we have to depend on Allah. Your answer and the teaching of Tabligh are opposite. Please explain.

Do we need to work while doing Dawah work?
What I have said is what all the responsible brothers of the effort of Dawat and Tabligh say. It is never the meaning of the sayings of the brothers of Dawat is that they will only be involved in those activities which are directly related to the effort of Tabligh and not going to worry about financial matters. Everyone involved in the effort of Dawat is also concerned about financial matters. Most of them, with a few exceptions, have jobs or businesses and other occupations and activities which engage their time. Most of the brothers who are involved in the effort of Dawat are also married and have wives and children and extended families; they have to provide for their necessities and for the expenditures of not only their household needs but also for their tablighi activities. Most of them perform all these functions. They’re not saying that when they go to sleep they will magically find some money under their pillows, nor do they expect other people to do such things. This is a misconception, and you have a mistaken understanding of this effort if you think that the brothers from the effort of Tabligh are against working and earning money. Islam does not stop us from working and we should work;
but we should not use work as an excuse to not take part in the effort of Dawat. In reality, we sometimes make excuses for not participating in the effort of Dawat: such as we were busy or we have other things that are taking our time and attention, etc;
but this should not be a deterrent for us to get involved in the effort. The elders and the responsible brothers of the effort of Dawat all say, and exemplify that in order to fulfill one of the commandments from Allah, we should have some means of earning legally. I personally know some instances where if someone is not working or earning money but spending an excessive amount of time in the path of Allah then the elders of the effort of Dawat tell him to go home and fulfill his responsibilities and then come back when he is ready. It is not correct to say that the answer that I have given is against the effort of Dawat.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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