In transliterations of the Holy Quran into English, the reference to Allah (SWT) is usually noted as He. Why is this reference made? Even in the most reputable transliterations I find this translation and it seems to humanize Allah (SWT) which is completely un-Islamic. This seems to be a method used by humans for other humans to understand something that cannot be understood by anything other than true Imaan. Please give me your interpretation.

If there is something which is bereft and void of a masculine gender or any other gender such as feminine or hermaphroditic, in another words it doesn’t have the reproductive organs to procreate, nor are there any signs to determine whether that thing is male, female, or hermaphrodite then in cases like this the human vocabulary doesn’t have a pronoun to make a reference to such an entity. Whatever language people use is the same language that would be used to refer to that entity as well, however, in our case we would take a better and more respectable form of it. Hence, for Allah s.w. the masculine pronouns are used to refer to him because from the Islamic perspective that’s the better form of pronoun comparatively.
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