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Questions on Islam

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

 1)      Lets say someone accepts all the sahih (authentic) hadiths (regardless of if it is in bukari, muslim, tirmidi or any other hadith book). As long as it is mentioned sahih by a scholar he accepts it. But what if the same person rejects some of the authentic hadiths out of his own desire, in that case does he goes outside the fold of the islam? Will he get any reward from God? (but the same person says about the rejecting hadiths: if prophet Muhammad would say to him directly in his presence, he would accept it).

 2)      Lets say someone believe in all the verses of Quran. The same person understands some of the verses of the Quran. What if same person out of his own desire, he rejects whatever he understands from some of the verses and says Only Allah knows best of the meaning of these verses and also says that if prophet Muhammad would explain the meaning of this verses in front of him, he would accept it. Does this person goes outside of islam? Will he get any reward from God?

 3)      Lets say someone believe in all the verses of Quran. But out of his own desire, the same person accepts tafsir ibn kathir ( or some other scholar’s comments) for some verses, but for other verses he does not accept tafsir ibn kathir. The person says, only Allah knows the best of the meaning of these verses. The person also says, he would accept the comments on those verses (that he rejected from tafsir ibn kathir) if the commentary was given by Prophet Muhammad in front of him. Does he goes outside of islam?

 4)      Lets say someone believe in all the verses of Quran. But out of his own desire, the same person accepts tafsir ibn kathir for some verses, but for other verses he does not accept tafsir ibn kathir. He accepts commentary of some other scholars for those other verses out of his own desire.  Does he goes outside of islam? Will he get any reward from God?

 5)      One of the Islamic scholar said, the regular Muslims (non-scholars) can apply 5 Islamic legal maxims in their daily life (Intention…., harm…, doubt…, custom…., hardship…). My question is: as a regular muslim (non-scholar), can I apply these five principles in my daily life. Also, as a regular muslim (non-scholar), can I study a little bit depth of this 5 legal maxims (such as additional maxims which come under this five maxims) and apply those additional maxims in my daily life? Will I be rewarded from God by doing this?



Questions on Islam

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

This person is a disbeliever of hadith, a non-follower of one of the four established schools of jurisprudence, a narcissist, lacking intellect and religious understanding, distrustful of the “Salaf” and of the “Sahaba Kiram”.  

What is the problem in him accepting the commentaries of some scholars and rejecting interpretations of others?

The rest of the traditions are also narrated from the forefathers and companions from whom they are narrated, so trust in ones and distrust the others is nothing but selfishness and following the desires of the soul. 

There is no doubt that this person misguides others and himself is a misguided person. Whether his views are of an infidel or of a non-infidel, can only be confirmed after knowing sufficient details about him.

فقط واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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