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Breaking the Fast while in the Plane

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah

I would like to know what time should I break my fast while I am traveling by air? The place where I am departing from has an iftar time of 6:55 p.m. whereas the destination has an iftar time of 6:15 p.m. If I am in the air, in between these two locations, when should I break my fast?

Breaking the Fast while in the Plane

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

Walaikumassalam Warahmatullah

The true timing for breaking one’s fast is the time when the sun has set. It is incorrect to break the fast while the sun is still out and this measure of whether the sun is out or set should be done according to the location the individual is present at. If the individual is on the land then the decision about sunset will be made according to his location on the land. Otherwise if an individual is in the air then the decision about sunset will be made according to his location in the air. Therefore, the decision of the time for breaking your fast will neither be made according to your location of origination nor the location of your destination. As long as you are in the air and can see the sun, you will have to keep your fast and it will be impermissible for you to break your fast. If you do break your fast during this time then it will be wajib upon you to perform qadha and give kaffarah. While you are in the air and once the sun disappears then it will be permissible for you to break your fast.

والمرادبالغروب زمان غیبوبۃ جرم الشمس بحیث تظھرالظلمۃ فی جھۃ الشرق قال ﷺ (اذااقبل اللیل من ھٰھنافقدافطرالصائم) ای اذاوجدت الظلمۃ حسافی جھۃ المشرق فقدظھروقت الفطراوصارمفطرا فی الحکم لان اللیل لیس ظرفاللصوم۔

وفی فتاوی اللجنۃ(۱۳۶/۱۰): اذاکان الصائم فی الطائرۃ واطلع بواسطۃ الساعۃ والتلیفون عن افطارالبلد القریبۃ منہ وھویری الشمس بسبب ارتفاع الطائرۃ فلیس لہ ان یفطرلان اللہ تعالی قال؛ (ثم اتمواالصیام الی اللیل)وھذہٖ الغایۃ لم تتحقق فی حقہ مادام یری الشمس واما اذاافطربالبلد بعد انتھاء النھارفی حقہ فاقلعت الطائرۃ ثم رأی الشمس فانہ یستمر مفطرا لان حکمہ حکم البلدالتی اقلع منھا وقدانتھی النھاروھوفیھا۔

واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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