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Only Silver Rings Are Allowed For Men

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Ilyas Patel

You mentioned in one of the emails about white gold. I was wondering if you could clarify if platinum rings for men are allowed? Also, what about other substances like the engineering rings made of iron (I believe)? If possible could you please include the sources, and if there’s a difference of opinion in the Hanafi madhab?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It is mentioned in al-Nahlawi’s Durar al Mubaha fi’l hadhar wa’l Ibaha: (p. 43)

Issue of wearing rings of silver:

And a man cannot adorn himself with silver and gold, except a silver ring; the size of a dirham (2.96  grams )…And it is not permissible to wear rings made of gold, iron, brass, lead, glass, etc. The factor which will be taken account is of the ring and not the stone. So, it is permissible to have the head of the ring  from stone, carnelian, ruby etc. And it is forbidden if the shape of the ring is other than the shape and form for men e.g. it has two stones or carnelians.

It is mentioned in Fatawa al Hindiyya:

There is nothing wrong (la ba’s) if the ring is made of iron and covered with silver.

And Allah knows best.

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