Bismihi Ta’aala
Wa-alaykum As-Salaam
You will have to sit in Iddah if Khalwah-Saheehah (husband & wife are in such seclusion, that they have the opportunity to have intercourse) has taken place. Khalwah-Saheehah is as mentioned above, but with three conditions: there is no ‘tibbee’, ‘tab’ee’ or ‘shar’ee’ prevention.
(1) Tibbee (medical) prevention: The husband and wife are in seclusion, but due to some medical reason, they (husbane & wife) are prevented from having sexual intercourse.
(2) Tab’ee (natural/general) prevention: The husband and wife are not in total seclusion E.g. they are in a room alone, but someone else is closeby due to which they are prevented from sexual intercourse.
(3) Shar’ee (Islamic Jurisdictional) prevention: The husband and wife are in seclusion, but due to a shar’ee reason E.g. the wife is on her monthly period, they are prevented from sexual intercourse.
If any of the above preventions take place during seclusion, the wife will not have to sit in Iddah. However, if none of the above preventions take place, the lady will have to sit in Iddah.
And Allaah knows best.
————————————– This ID is used by Iftaa students of various Darul Ulooms