Answered by Imam Yama Niazi
Question summary:
Can I use words like “damn it” in English, and does it mean to curse something in Arabic?
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullah
Dear questioner,
Thank you for your question. I pray you are doing well, insha’Allah.
It would not be appropriate nor from the Prophetic practice to use words that are not beneficial.
The Prophet( Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should not hurt his neighbor and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should serve his guest generously and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should speak what is good or keep silent.”
Good words have a benefit in this world and for the next world (i.e., rewards in the afterlife) and are not harmful.
The word in Arabic for cursing is not quite the same in English.
The term ‘damn’ in English is general. It could have a few meanings, including “declaring something to be bad or failure” or ” condemn to everlasting punishment,” which may include the Arabic equivalent of the word ‘la’nat,’ which means to remove one far from Allah’s mercy. In the latter case, it would not be allowed to say to someone or about someone. However, as you have expressed that it is a general reaction and quite common, although not sinful, it is better to avoid.
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani