1. Are we allowed to apply false lashes?
2. Can I use a curler (a tool to curl lashes temporary) and mascara (to lengthen the lashes temporary)
3. Are alcoholic perfumes/sprays/body mist, etc. not allowed to perform salah? I heard that if you are using perfumes which contain alcohol, you can’t perform prayer in that condition, is that true?
1. We have not come across this. If this is in any way resembling the styles of the kuffaar you should avoid it. By the same token, if water is not going to reach where it needs to reach in ghusl and wudhu then it will not be allowed at all.
2. It is permissible provided it is not in conformity with kaafir ways and they do not contain any haraam ingredients.
3. Generally, the alcohol that sprays and perfumes contain are synthetic and chemically produced alcohol. If this is the case then namaaz can be performed while wearing such perfumes.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)