Q: I’m looking at writing novels as a potential living which is aimed at young children and adults aged from seven years onwards. Fiction novels can enable people and especially children to develop and improve their language skills, vocabulary and understanding of the world. However, they can also be regarded as a time waste because one can read non-fiction articles which also help children and adults with their language, vocabulary and understanding of the world. My novels would promote good morals but will also inevitably contain some sinful notions such as acts of violence or relationships – the novels are aimed at a young audience so these will be contained but will still be apparent within the novel. I wanted to ask three questions regarding the above, which are personally very important to me Islamically and I’m praying that you will answer them!
1. Is story fiction writing permissible in Islam?
2. If my intention is to write stories with the aim of helping people, especially children, to improve their vocabulary, language skills and understanding of the world, will I (inshallah) be rewarded with some good deeds on the scale on the Day of Judgement?
3. If I was to end up deriving any income from story writing, will this income be halal?
Please do take the time to respond to my questions. If you could post a short youtube video answer, that might be even better as it means that other Muslims across the globe can also benefit from the answer. I do anxiously look forward to your reply.
1. If it does not contain any pictures and there is nothing that will corrupt their beliefs, character and thinking, in fact it will help them build up and strengthen the right beliefs and give the right values, make them more concerned about aakhirat etc. it is permissible.
2. If in the process people’s imaan, beliefs, actions and character etc. have improved insha-Allah you will be rewarded.
3. Yes.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)