What we understand from your question is that the entire building consists of two floors and a basement. Initially the intention was this, that both the floors will be used as a Jamaat Khana, i.e. temporarily being used for Salaah, there after the intention was to properly make the second floor a Masjid. There was no intention afterwards to make the first floor and basement into a Masjid.
If this was the case, and the person who made these intentions was the owner or the Mutawalli. Then this intention of his will be valid. In this case the 2nd floor only will be the Masjid and the 1st floor and basement will not be taken as part of the Masjid. Therefore Muslims will be allowed to carry out all there permissible and Halaal acts in them. However, there should be no intermingling of sexes and Pardah should be considered at all times. Also, if any none Muslim enters this place he should be made aware of what he can and can not do. Liquor should not be allowed in this place.
Although this section is not part of the Masjid, but it is below the Masjid, and the respect for the Masjid should be considered at all times.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
06 May 2006
06 Rabee’uth Thaani 1427