Dear Mufti sahib,
Does saying I have to do my FU_KING Wudhu , unintentionally swearing , and with out thinking results to apostasy.
Wudhu is an act of Ibaadah which has been ordained by Allah in the Holy Qur’an. There are a number of Ahadeeth which speak of the virtues of Wudhu. When a person is in the state of Wudhu, then he/she is spiritually strengthened. Therefore, it is a major sin to violate the sanctity of Wudhu and speak of it in disdain. One’s Imaan is at stake.
In this case, the person who uttered these words had no Wudhu and because this word is commonly used when something breaks and he did so unintentionally, he will not be classified a Kaafir. However it is incumbent upon him to make sincere Taubah, give Sadaqah and never swear Wudhu or any other act of Ibaadah, sanctified shrine etc. If this person is married, then he should renew his marriage as a precautionary measure.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
11 May 2005
02 Rabee’uth Thaani 1426