I have recently become a revert to the one true path. I am a 25 yr old white English girl and see islam as the only way forward in the western world today.
I have adopted the name of Aaliyah as I am quite tall, my name is now aaliyah wells formerly Katrina. i am having problems with my family who have threatened to disown me and at work as I now wear strict Islamic dress. I am writing to you as I seek guidance and reassurance and Allah (S.W.T) guided me to you.
God willing you will be able to advise me.
Maashaa Allah! May Allah enshroud you with the blessings of Islam, grant us all steadfastness, enable us to carry out good deeds and allow us to part from this world as believers.
You should study the lives of the Sahabah (companions of Nabi (S.A.W.), who endured the hostility of their family and friends in order to safeguard their Imaan. They sacrificed their comforts and tolerated the difficulties for the sake of Imaan, and were ultimately rewarded the best of this world and the hereafter. You should associate with the Muslim individuals, groups such as the Tabligh Jama’at and the Sunni Ulama from your locality and consult with them. Please feel free to consult with us too. May Allah assist you. Aameen.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
11 May 2005
02 Rabee’uth Thaani 1426