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Is This Incident True?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


One of my aged relative said that Rasoolullah (SAW) was slapped in His cheek by one Yahoodi, . it is true? Please give me the details about this?

In the time of Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, later on that Yahoodi cut his hand by himself.





After studying the books of Ahaadith and biography of Nabi (S.A.W) we were unable to find the incident which you relate to in your question .However we have come across an incident which transpired between Nabi (S.A.W) and a Bedouin. The incident is as follows:

Anas (R.A) relates, “Once I was walking with the prophet (S.A.W.) who was wearing a cloak with a coarse fringe, a Bedouin met him and violently tugged his cloak. I saw that the man’s tugging had left a mark on the neck and shoulder of Allah’s prophet (S.A.W.). When the prophet (S.A.W.) turned towards him, the nomad said, “O Muhammad, give me two camels loaded with what Allah has given you, for it neither belongs to you nor your father.” The prophet (S.A.W.) kept silent out of his grace and politeness despite such rude and bitter words. Then speaking rather softly, he said to the nomad, “Should you be treated as you have treated me?” “No” the nomad said emphatically. The prophet (S.A.W.) asked: “Why not?” “It is because you do not believe in tit for tat,” he very confidently replied. The prophet (S.A.W.) smiled at his plain talking and then ordered to load one of his camels with barely and another with dates.”

A similar incident transpired between the Prophet (S.A.W.) and a Jew by the name of Zaid bin Sa’nah who later embraced Islam:

Once Zaid bin Sa’nah, who was a Jew, came to the Prophet (S.A.W) and addressed him rudely, saying:  “You son of Abdul-Muttalib are late.” Although the Prophet (S.A.W) kept smiling at his rudeness, Umar  rebuked and reproached him there upon the Prophet (S.A.W) said to Umar “This man was entitled to better treatment from you .You ought to have advised me to repay the loan promptly and asked him to make his demand politely.” At the  same time he asked Umar to pay the loan and give Zaid twenty Saa’ (60 kilograms) extra so as to compensate him for his threatening attitude towards Zaid .The gracious and obliging behaviour of Allah’s Prophet(S.A.W) caused Zaid to embrace Islam then and there .

(The history of Islam Vol. 1 Page, 250 by Akbar Shah Najeebabadi, Seerat tun Nabawee by Doctor Mohamed bin Mohamed Vol.2 Page, 647).

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mohseen bin No’maan Sidat

Attested to as correct by:

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


01 March 2005

20 Muharram 1426

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