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Women in the Masaajid

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah



I am in USA and in my city there are two Masaajid. One is under Pakistani Muslims and the other is under Arab Muslim. In the second Masjid some people are arguing that women and men should offer prayers together in the same room. Is this right? However, there is a separate room for women but people are arguing that why women should offer prayers in a separate room.

Is it right to offers prayers in such Masjid.

Please provide me with some Hadith so that I can show it to other people.

May Allah gives you Ajar.






The holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has clarified in a number of Ahadeeth that it is not preferable for a woman to perform prayers outside her home. The females are always advised, by the Prophet (S.A.W.) to perform their prayers in their homes, so much so that the performance of prayers in an inner room has been made more rewardable for a woman than in an outside room, and the performing of a prayer in the outside room is more rewardable for her than in the courtyard of her own home. (Mishkaat, Page 96)

Sayyiduna Umar (R.A.) felt in his days that the concession given to the women is sometimes misused. He therefore issued a directive that the women should no longer attend the congregational prayers. This directive was completely confirmed by all the companions of the holy Prophet (S.A.W.) available at that time. Sayyidah Aisha (R.A.) opined, that had the holy Prophet (S.A.W.) been alive in those days he would have certainly stopped the women from attending the Masjid for prayers. (Mishkaat)

It is in this context that the Muslim Jurists have been unanimous on the point, that it is not advisable for women to attend the congregational prayers; in fact most of them have taken it as a prohibited act.

The observance of Hijaab while joining a male congregation is mandatory which cannot be dispensed with in any way.

I would like to emphasize that the basic purpose of a Muslim, male or female, is to follow the dictates of Shari’ah and to seek the pleasure of Allah and not to satisfy ones own desire. The messenger of Allah has expressly mentioned that it is more meritorious for a woman to perform prayers in her home. Therefore, Muslim women should not insist on going to the Masjid for joining the congregational prayers because the reward promised for a congregational prayer shall be available for them in their homes and not in the Masjid. (Contemporary Fataawaa by Mufti Taqi Uthmani, Page 25)

It is correct for you to perform your prayers in such a Masjid, but you should inform them that the performing of prayers, by males and females, in the same room is not permissible. If they do not heed your advice and continue performing the prayers in one room, then you should perform your Salaah in another Masjid congregationally for avoiding any Fitnah. 

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah



25 April 2005

16 Rabee’ul Awwal 1426

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