Is it permissible to watch the Taraweeh prayer from Makkah on a computer screen only, without watching it on TV?
In Surah Hajj verse 30 Allah (S.W.T.) mentions with regards to the sacredness of Makkah, Hajj etc: “This (is the ordinance of Allah), and whosoever venerates the Sacred Laws of Allah, that will be better for him by his Sustainer.”
In the commentary of this verse the eminent Mufassir Mujahid (R.A.) describes the “Sacred Laws” as Makkah, Hajj and all forbidden acts.
In verse 32 Allah (S.W.T.) speaks of the symbols of Allah: “. This (is done), and whosoever gives full consideration to the symbols of Allah, well that is due to the piety of the hearts.” (Tafseer Ibne Katheer, Vol.2 Page 539-540)
From the aforementioned verses, it is understood that we should honour, dignify and show respect to the Symbols of Allah. We are all well apprised of the fact that the entire Muslim nation harbour great honour and respect for the Harm, Ka’bah etc. This is partially due to the fact that these great symbols are situated in faraway lands, out of reach and sight and are visited irregularly. By broadcasting and watching the Taraweeh Salaah (irrespective of whether it is watched on TV or computer) one would be showing a great amount of disrespect to the Symbols of Allah and the honour and dignity for these sacred venues would gradually leave the hearts of the people.
Islam has prohibited the Muslims from spending their time in unavailing activities. The time spent in watching the Taraweeh Salaah could rather be used in acquiring Islamic knowledge or performing various acts of Ibaadah which will benefit a person in this world as well as the Hereafter.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Ebrahim bin Zainul Abedeen Backus
Attested to as correct by:
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
14 September 2004
28 Rajab 1425