Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Mahmoodiyah » Question: Assalamualaikum I have tried to use the internet but fail constantly and I really need to know if my marriage is valid. I have been told my marriage is invalid because when my Nikah was done I was not asked my permission my dad said yes on my behalf and my husbands dad said yes on his behalf.  I did consent to the marriage and even went to another country to get married I just did not say yes on the day of the Nikah. I have two children and need to know if my marriage is valid or am I living in sin.  Please please respond even if it just says yes valid or no not valid please respond I am very scared.

Question: Assalamualaikum I have tried to use the internet but fail constantly and I really need to know if my marriage is valid. I have been told my marriage is invalid because when my Nikah was done I was not asked my permission my dad said yes on my behalf and my husbands dad said yes on his behalf.  I did consent to the marriage and even went to another country to get married I just did not say yes on the day of the Nikah. I have two children and need to know if my marriage is valid or am I living in sin.  Please please respond even if it just says yes valid or no not valid please respond I am very scared.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah



I have tried to use the internet but fail constantly and I really need to know if my marriage is valid.

I have been told my marriage is invalid because when my Nikah was done I was not asked my permission my dad said yes on my behalf and my husbands dad said yes on his behalf.  I did consent to the marriage and even went to another country to get married I just did not say yes on the day of the Nikah.

I have two children and need to know if my marriage is valid or am I living in sin.  Please please respond even if it just says yes valid or no not valid please respond I am very scared.




During the congregation of the Nikah your father and your husband’s father had enacted the Ijaab (proposal) and Qabool (acceptance).  Thereafter upon your coming to know of this, you had shown your acceptance by means of speech or any action and did not refuse this Nikah, therefore this Nikah is valid.  (Hidayah, Vol. 2, Page 323)

You should not be worried in this regard.                             

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


02 September 2004

16 Rajab 1425

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