الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
Just as the sketch of human body is consisted of many different organs and limbs and each has its own responsibility such as tongue for talking, hands for holding and legs for walking, in the like manner Da’wath & Thabligh (Calling & Propagation), Tha’leem & Tha’allum (Teaching & Learning), Thasawwuf & Riyadhath (Mysticism & Austerity), Ibadaath & Muamalaath (Acts of Worship & Transactions) and Jihad (Holy War) etc. too are branches and sections of the Deen. As per the occasion, opportunity and timely demand, importance of one branch could supersede another branch. In contrast to this, refuting or considering the other branches to be of no use, is based on unawareness of Shar’i matters, religious knowledge and sheer Ignorance and it is necessary to refrain from it.
As for the referred speech of Moulana Tariq Jameel we are not aware of same. Apparently it seems to be a non-occurrence and un-real. Moulana Mas’ood Azhar Sahib is a leader of a famous Jihadi organization and further details about him could be obtained only from Jihadi organizations.