Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria » Who does not have Shar’i beard use to give Azan and Iqamah?

Who does not have Shar’i beard use to give Azan and Iqamah?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Jamia Binoria

In our Masjid one Namazi ( a person who comes to perform Namaz) who does not have Shar’i beard i.e. less than one fist, use to give Azan and Iqamah in the presence of the Muazzin (whose beard is Shar’i) and the other Namzis who have Shar’i beard. Is it correct what he does? If no, then do the Namazis who have the Shar’i beard become sinners?

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

When an officially appointed Muazzin is in Masjid, it is Makrooh for the concerned person to give Azan or Iqamah in his presence and in the presence of the others who have Shar’i beard and capability to recite correctly. Muazzin himself has to be particular about it, lest people of the locality and the others who perform Salat too would become sinners.

This Q&A was indexed from the official english fatwa portal of Jamia Binoria. It is an Islamic educational institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

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