I saw a question on your site and became curious to other similar types of du’as which are still being taught to our kids. One of which is the du’a before meals; do the following words appear in the Hadith?
bismillahi wa a’la barakatillah.
This du’a for before eating has been recorded in Al-Mu’jamus saghir, vol.1 pg.69.
However the words in this source are as follows:
“Bismillahi wa barakatillah”
i.e, without the word: ‘ala before barakatillah.
Also see: Majma’uz Zawaid, vol.10 pg.318.
I haven’t been able to locate this du’a with the word wa’ala barakatillah in any original Hadith book. The ideal would be to say it like the above since this is what can be proven in this day.
However, it seems like the word ‘ala is indeed found in some copies of Mustadrak Hakim, although not in the current printed version.
I say this, because Imam Abul Fath, Ibnul Imam (rahimahullah) – a reliable Scholar of the 8th century- has quoted this du’a from Mustadrak Hakim with the words:
Bismillahi wa ‘ala barakatillah
(Silahul Mumin, pg.393-394)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,
Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar
Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar