My question is about shirk of desire. What exactly is shirk of desire? And another thing i wanted to ask is if a person commit a sin major or minor sin knowing that it’s a sin but he doesn’t consider the sin to be legal will he commit any kind of major or minor shirk? What do most of the scholars say about this? A straightforward answer will be appreciated. May ALLAH reward you .
Assalāmuʿalaykum Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh
Kindly refer to Fatwaa Ref-No#: 3421 regarding ‘Shirk of desire’.
As for the one who commits a sin knowingly without trying to justify it as being an Islāmic legal practice, it is much to his detriment whether it be a minor or major sin, and whilst it is of utmost importance for him to turn to Allāh ﷻ in repentance, it does not constitute Shirk.
And Allaah Ta’aala knows best
Ismail Moosa (Mufti)