Home » Hanafi Fiqh » DarulUloomTT.net » Is it permissible to recite an Aayat from one Surah (eg Aayatul Kursi) then an Aayat from another Surah? If it is, what are the protocols that should be observed?

Is it permissible to recite an Aayat from one Surah (eg Aayatul Kursi) then an Aayat from another Surah? If it is, what are the protocols that should be observed?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by DarulUloomTT.net

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Q: Is it permissible to recite an Aayat from one Surah (eg Aayatul Kursi) then an Aayat from another Surah? If it is, what are the protocols that should be observed?

Wa Alaikum Assalaam,

A: Yes, it is permissible to do so. In doing this, one should recite verses from a Surah which is before the verses of the other Surah. Sequence of the Surahs must be maintained as given in the Holy Quran. One must also recite more verses in the first rakaat than in the second rakaat. In other words, the first rakaat should be longer or equal to that which is recited in the second rakaat.

And Allah Knows Best,

Mufti Waseem Khan.


This answer was collected from DarulUloomTT.net, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Waseem Khan from Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago.

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